Tuesday, 14 February 2012

2012 Westminster Dog Show

2012 Westminster Dog Show - After the first night featured the Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding groups, night two of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show kicked off with the Sporting dogs.

From the Sporting group, the German Wirehaired, Labrador Retriever, English Setter, Irish Setter, English Springer Spaniel, Irish Water Spaniel, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon were brought down after the first cut and then the Best of Group order went 1) Emily the Irish Setter, 2) German Wirehaired Pointer, 3) English Springer Spaniel and 4) Irish Water Spaniel.

Preamble: Malachy the Pekingese is just like Mitt Romney—only better groomed. He's the presumptive favorite to win the 136th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show tonight, but this is why we hold competitions. Because you just never know.

The Working group was next, which saw brought down the Alaskan Malamut, Bernese Mountain Dog, Boxer, Doberman, Rottweiler, Samoyed, Standard Schnauzer and Tibetan Mastiff. The order for Best in Group went 1) Fifi the Doberman, 2) Boxer, 3) Alaskan Malamut and 4) Standard Schnauzer.

Finally, the Terrier group capped off the group competition. Brought down after the first cut were the American Staffordshire, Australian, Border, Smooth Fox, Kerry Blue, Scottish, Skye and Welsh. The Best of Group went 1) Chelsey the Kerry BLue, 2) Smooth Fox, 3) Skye and 4) American Staffordshire.

So moving into Best in Show, the dogs competing were the Cinders the Wirehaired Dachshund, Malachy the Pekingese, Ian the Dalmatian, Capi the German Shepherd, Emily the Irish Setter, Fifi the Doberman and Chelsey the Kerry Blue.

And ... Malachy the Pekingese is Best in Show! Malachy competed in the Best of Show group in last year, but lost to Hickory the Scottish Deerhound. We were excited to see Malachy win this year - we love to watch Pekingeses run! This is the first Pekingese win since 1990.

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