Monday 6 February 2012

2012 Best Superbowl Commercials

2012 Best Superbowl Commercials - Like most of you, the Superbowl dominated my TV last night. And while there were a few moments during the half time show where we switched to the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet for Norman, when we weren’t watching the Giants battle the Patriots we had our eyes fixed on those commercials. I must admit, almost every year I am more interested in the commercials than I am in the game, even though it was super sweet watching the Giants stick it to the Patriots at the end (a Patriots fan, I am not)!

I don’t know about your favorites from this year’s Superbowl ads, but below are my Top 5. This will make 2 years in a row where Volkswagen has topped my list of best ads – last year it was that Darth Vader and this year, dog lover that I am, they stopped on top with “The Dog Strikes Back”, followed by 4 other commercials that either made me laugh or left me speechless. What was your favorite commercial this year? Feel free to comment and add a spot that didn’t make my list or vote from my Top 5! See you next year!

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